"Our Mission is to Help you Heal so you can do all that you Enjoy Everyday of your life at your FULL Potential with Optimum Function through Chiropractic Care."

Prenatal Care San Diego

When your body starts preparing to create a nurturing environment for the development of a baby, it goes through numerous changes, both physically and endocrinologically. Changes can include misaligned spine or joints, protruding abdomen and increased back curve, changes in your pelvis, and postural adaptions. According to the American Pregnancy website, if your pelvis is misaligned, this means that there is not enough room available for the developing baby. Chiropractic care can help establish balance in your pelvic and align your spine.

Benefits Of Prenatal Care

Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Lowering the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck, or joint pain
  • Preventing a potential cesarean delivery

How Prenatal Care Works

At Hifai Chiropractic, we apply adjustments to the neck, back, and pelvic area to improve any skeletal issues you have developed. Our chiropractor is trained in working with pregnant women and use tables adjusted for a pregnant body. When performing chiropractic techniques, they avoid unnecessary pressure on the belly.

Visiting a chiropractor at Hifai Chiropractic in San Diego can help you determine if your pregnancy is causing your pain. Our chiropractor will perform a detailed examination and check if the spine could benefit from an adjustment.

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The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress Association
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At Hifai Chiropractic, we are highly experienced at providing pain relief with chiropractic care. Call now to get started with your customized treatment plan!

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